Thursday, October 6, 2016

I Am Not

I tried to learn your way of thinking.
I can't be as bitter as you.
I tried just pretending I agree with you.

I am not your punching bag.
I am not your doormat.

A punching bag is made of leather.
I am made of flesh.
Leather is made from flesh.
I am not your punching bag.

A punhing bag is stuffed with cotton or some other crap that holds it together so it is strong.
I am stuffed with bones and organs and other crap that holds me together so I am strong.
I am not your punching bag.

A door mat is flat.
You have beaten all the diminsion out of me.
I am not your doormat.

A door mat is rough, so when you stomp on it scraped the crap off your feet.
I am rough, so when you come and walk on me I get your crap from off your feet.
I am not your doormat.

A doormat has a nice saying you can pick out to be just what you want.
I have to say just the right thing, just what you want.
I am not your doormat.

I am not your punching bag.
I am not your doormat.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Tick Tock

Tick tock, tick tock.
Shut up, you stupid clock. 
You tell me how much time is gone.
How little time is left. 

Tick tock, tick tock. 
On the wall you sit and mock. 
I sit here. day by day. 
You watch me as I waste away. 

Tick tock, tick tock.
Shut up you stupid clock. 
You tell me how much time is gone.
You watch me as I waste away.