Thursday, November 14, 2013

Miss You

Its been a year since you died
A day since I cried
And a second since I’ve thought of you

Stupid cancer
Screw cancer

Maybe it is survivors guilt,
Maybe I will get over it
I hope not
I hope I think of you every day
I hope it brings a pain

I hope I want to cry every time I think of you
I don’t want to miss you less
I don’t want to skip the pain thinking of you brings.

A year you died
A day I cried

A second I thought of you

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Life and Death

Two seats one empty one I sit in.
I know why it is empty.
But as I look at the seat once full
And I think of all I didn’t do.
To make it all right again 
That would be my life long pain.

            For I had love and love again
But I do not know what love truly
Means. I doubt  I Ever will.
But I know Hate and hate again.
And I know death for I am death.

Love sat by me in the seat but now the seat lies bear with regret and deceit.

For life is my love and love is my life.
But when life saw me she left. 


Over a hill and down a bridge lives a man with hair but no wig 
 and a cat with fur but no coat 
and a dog with a waggly but no tail
 and bird with feathers but no wings
 and I for one never intend to live in a house with pets such as this
  and father with with hair such as that.   


You washed my eyes to see the truth but I still seem to have mud in them
You give me chances more then I deserve but I still throw them aside
You let me do what I want but still I don't repay you
You are generrise but still I am a selfish giant
You are fare I am unfair to you who listened told me truth
You are the hero I well I am the villain to whom you try to guide
You are trying to guide me tell me truth but I won't let you in
To where you've wanted to be all these years 
You dance with me through all the good times
Held my hand through the hard 
Pick me up when I fall
Cry with me when we lose loved ones 


I see myself now as I will see myself forty years from now.
I see myself cry.
I see myself laugh.
But soon will come a time when I will never see again
because I will have nothing to see.
I will be asleep forever.

The Point

When you come to a point in life
you will see there is life without a point.
The point in life will be very sharp.
You had better not touch it.
The point is in because the point with the height
has nothing to do with life with a point.
It all together means
you took the wrong turn.

Sneeze If You Have To

I can hear you talking all stuffed up.
See you squinting and wrinkling your nose.
I want to yell, "cabbage!"
But sneeze if yo have to.
The misery you're going through is too much for me to bare.
Looking at you suffering.
The tissues are right there!
I see you topple over.
Please come back, please!
This wouldn't have happened if only you had sneezed.


I see you wave happy to see me
I feel you hug me so gleefuly
I smile and walk away
you hold my hand as we walk
my guilt fills my eyes with tears
you turn to me you see the tears you face now
filled with fear I manage a smile and walk away the guilt
billeds a wall taller then me
I want to tell you everything
I want to pour out my heart
I see you wave happy to see me
I feel you hug me so gleefuly
I here you call me your "best freind"
I manage a smile and fall to the ground
my guilt fills my world with dark

In My Arms

Could this feeling have been true?
True love
Could I have wanted to spend my life with you?
Could I have wanted to hold you in my arms and never let you go?
If that feeling had been true love
why did it all the sudden stop?
If I had wanted to spend my life with you
why did the door shut behind you?
If I had wanted to hold you without letting go
how did you slip from my fingers so?
Why did you give me your love knowing I would throw it away?
Why did you come into my abode knowing it would never be your home?
Why did you run into my arms knowing I would let you fall?
I will throw my love and life away
make sure I have no home
I will pull myself out of the arms of safety
have a burden of guilt upon my back
die with it upon my shoulders
in my coffin of cold black stone.


The sky is shining I'm so exited
your eyes and heart are full of joy.
We all line up to take our place
there are millions lined up behind me
the whole of earth is ready to go.
Billions of angels come down lift you all up carrie you all away.
I scream for them to wait
the babies and young children 
skip past me there faces all a' glow.
I feel a chain around my waist a rope around my neck you turn around to reach
for me my hand is but a inch away.
My feet are burning my eyes are burning my face is burning red hot.
A sour face comes up to meet me you turn around one tear then your comes like a light
I scream for you I sink back down
rusted to the core,
turned into nothing but the dust of day

Listen, Watch, See

Waling through the clouded fog
I stop to listen to the song of the rain and thunder.
I wach the black birds in the misted
sky. The song of the whale huants my heart. 
I follow the long fading path
before me. The laugh of a hyena duants my footsteps.
Walking in to a dark old cabin
I lie down on the torn old bed.
I listen to the slowing pace of my heart.
And then I go to sleep.

The Door

Walking past a shut tight door.
I wonder what might be in there,
I open the door and and I scream,
there is a bean feasting on ice cream.
This disturbing image stays in my mind,
then I start thinking about key lime

Why Did You Say?

When I said "come look at this mess"
Why did you say "I couldn't care less"
It cut me so deep I coudn't keep my eyes from filling.
When I said "you should have seen her face"
Why did you say "I couldn't care less"
It made my heart a mess.
When I showed you my wedding dress
Why did you say "I couldn't care less"
When we went to see that show in town
I was going to tell you what I liked best
but I was afraid you'd say "I couldn't  care less"
Now I am dying with a sword in my breast
I now know you'd only say I couldn't care less"
I now lay down to rest.
"She wouldn't have made it I'm terribly sorry"
I heard them all crying but why did I cry when I heard you say
"I couldn't care less"
I'll stay up here where I now belong but why tell you?
you'd only say 'I couldn't  care less'

The Fight

Blood tricle sweat stinch
aim found eyes narrow
trigger pulled arrow flying.
blood trickle sweat stench.


Maybe it can fix, all the hurtful things
been done.
Maybe it can mend, all the wrongful
words been thrown.
Maybe it can
but not on it's own.

Bloody Knife

I take your hand who would have done
this to one so young?
I hold you in my arms, who would have done this to
one pure?
I scream your name,
who would have done this
to one so innocent
why is the bloody knife in my hand?


"Father! Hold me!"
"I never put you down"
"Father! take my hand!"
"I never let it go"
"Father! put your arms around me!"
"I never stopped hugging you"
"Father! I need you!"
"I never left your side"

Come Back

Come back!
I'm still here!
Come back,
don't leave me here.
come back!
all the world exept me,
come back
is my plea.

In Between

All the world walked All the world talked as though no one else was around
Suddenly tha sky went up in flames, suddenly the world froze in a silent gaze.
Suddenly all the world disappeared, at least the people did. all exept me.
I fix my gaze on the flaming sky.
I see my family going up into the sky.
The sky reseeled, my world is gone.
I stare in amoment the realize I am alone.
I scream, I cry. there is no one not even a butterfly, flowers
shrivvle at my touch, every door squeekes that I
push through, suddenly no more flowers no more door no more world at all.
Heaven or hell, I cannot tell,
maybe I am in between.

Any Other Rose

Any Other Rose
You gave me your rose with all your heart
You said it would never die
I could have had any other rose.
Two years have gone by
roses are blooming all around
while yours is slowly wilting
any other rose would last
Completly gone now
nothing left your rose is anything but bloomed
completly dead
I would have had any other rose.


You poor thing
You wreched creature
from your mask you look as preditore
but really you are prey
You poor creature
you wreched thing
trying to be heard
but never will thay see that under your preditorial mask you are really prey
You poor thing
you wreched creature
those who do know you waste no time in jumping
to attack, they know you have one life and one heart that
is to large for it's small cage
as each time it jumps with joy it grows larger
until finally it bursts free and flys to heaven
I poor creature
I wreched thing 
want to be free of the cage by which I am
now possesed
I'll unlock the door
this isn't the happiness that I expected
my flesh is smothered in the burning coldness of the end


Sometimes when it rains, I think about a baby dying in the night.
Sometimes when it rains, I think about a love losing it's light
Sometimes when it rains, I think about a drunkerd lost in the night.

Sometimes when it rains, I think about a child running away from home.
Sometimes when it rains, I think about an old dog, finding a quiet
place to die.
Sometimes when it rains, I think about a kitten looking for somewhere dry.

Sometimes when it rains, I think about a business man being shot in an alley,
Sometimes when it rains, I think about an eagle dying in a valley.
Sometimes when it rains, I think about a father willing to die.

Mr. Mailman

Dear Mr. Mailman
I'm writing you a letter 
you're the only one who cares
I'm writing you a letter
you're the only on who dares 

Dear Mr. Mailman 
when you read this
 you might cry 
when you read this 
you will want to try 

Dear Mr. Mailman 
you have 
 a job to do 
you can't stop 
me even though
you'll want to

Dear Mr. Mailman 
just go about your day 
deliver to your 
other customers 
at least they pay 

Dear Mr. Mailman 
I'm finishing my letter
with the rest of my world 
I thought at least you should know 
you're the only one who knew me 
the only one who cared 
you're the only one who knew me 
the only one who dared

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Storm

Heaven, smothered with smoke
as nails hammer down
I look up, oceans pour from my soul  

Angels drum away 
angels flash pictures to remember today.

I Don't Want

I don’t want to live
I don’t want to die
I don’t want to go on day to day

I can’t tell the truth
I can’t tell a lie
I can’t do anything without wanting to die

I don’t want pity
I don’t want pain
I don’t want to keep the blame

I can’t be myself
I can’t be anyone else
I can’t be an invisible doll on a shelf

I don’t want freedom
I don’t want prison
I don’t want to be a doll shaken and spit on

I don’t want to be a little girl like this
I don’t want to grow up this fast
I don’t want my childhood not to last


For the beauty of death, you thrust your knife through me
For the love of goth, you tie your rope round me 
For the respect of hate, you kill the joy in me

Show Me

Show me sunshine and I'll show you rain 
Show me healing and I'll show you pain 
Show me joy and I'll show you grieving 
Show me truth and I'll show you deceiving 
Show me love and I'll show you hate 
Show me agreement and I'll show you debate 
Show me beauty and I'll show you disgust 
Show me equality and I'll show you disdain  
Show me Respect and I'll show you contempt

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Suicide's Prayer

She sobs in the night though no one can hear
  Through her tears and her blood she prays this prayer
  ‘You said I was perfect, and all I should be then why does he tell me he won’t             love me, from the moment I was born, he was filled with hate.
 Now he watches porn and throws it in my face,
   God you told me you would always be there, I can’t find you now have you             ever been here?
   Tonight I’m ready to end the fight, with this gun and this knife I will take my             life.”

    Tonight he’s hiding and hopes they won’t see, he is only their aim for pain and mockery,
    So he folds his bleeding hand, and trembles as he kneels, whispers this             prayer through his busted lips.
     ‘I tried to follow your word with prayer, but tonight I’m telling you I can’t live             down here, 
they beat me and they laugh, because I love the wrong way, so 
  I’m taking the rope and pulling the lights out.’
   In her room she wants to stop the fight
     Even though she knows, they will all claim they were right.
    The pressure is too much and she wants to scream. But instead
   She murmurs a silent prayer.  
'I don’t feel you in me like I used to do,
   I wish you would take me from this Earth, because they yell and they scream             and I can’t feel my worth, 
I’m not in physical pain, its true, but the words are harsh and the blame is too.
      If you won’t take me
    I have these pills for a loophole to you.’

   In every country on the Earth, souls are lost in the cold night air,
            They are whispering their last, their suicide’s prayer.