Sunday, January 18, 2015

Made of

My head is made of Celexa to keep my slightly sane 

My neck to my chest is Sinthroid and hydrocortisone so I having something left in there 

My lungs are made of albuteral so now I can breath

My stomach is Prilosec to give me some release

My womb is just a combi patch so my body thinks it's not barren 

My legs are made of neproxen, I guess so I can walk 

My mind is made of cancer. That's what everybody says 

Saturday, January 10, 2015


I hear everything 
They think I don't 
I guess they assume 
I'm fine on my own 

I'm not 
I'm lonely 
I want someone to care 
I just want a friend I can call my own 
Someone near. I can lean on 
And have to my own 

This is selfish 
But I just don't care 

I'm just so tired of being alone